Ultimate Reroll Guide & Tier List for Captain Tsubasa: Ace

Ultimate Reroll Guide & Tier List for Captain Tsubasa: Ace
Last updated:
December 13, 2023

Captain Tsubasa Ace, a highly anticipated game, is launching today!

With any new gacha game launch, everyone is looking for the best characters to aim for and the rerolling process. (Pro Tip: Use Bluestacks to speed up the rerolling process)

This guide, based on insights from a test server account, will help navigate these aspects effectively.

Let's dive in!

Our Comprehensive Reroll Guide & Tier List for Captain Tsubasa: Ace

Captain Tsubasa ACE Wallpaper

Initial Setup and Rerolling Process

Account Creation: Initially, use a guest account or multiple Google accounts for rerolling. Once you've got the desired outcome, link it to a Dena account.

Rerolling Mechanism: Within the game, go to the settings to find the option for logging out to initiate a new game session for rerolling.

Leveraging Tickets

At launch there will be a special pull featuring a top-tier character: Kojiro Hyuga.

Understand the difference between red tickets for the standard pool and golden tickets for special banners.

Luck plays a significant role in these draws, so patience and strategic use of tickets are key.

Focusing on Key Characters

Captain Tsubasa ACE Lineup

Top Picks: From the standard pool, Hiroshi Jito stands out as an exceptional defender. Jun Misugi, known for his interception skills and spectacular moves, is another key player.

Other Recommendations: Tachibana Brothers, Sano, and Ishizaki are also worthy of consideration. Each brings unique skills to the table, like Sano's heading ability and Ishizaki's solid defense.

Rerolling Strategy

  • Aim for either Hiroshi Jito or Jun Misugi initially, as securing either of them would be highly beneficial.
  • If you draw Tachibana Brothers, Ishizaki, Misaki, or Sano, it's decent to proceed with the account.
  • Consider rerolling if you get characters like Sawada, Urabe, or Soda.

Captain Tsubasa: Ace Tier List by Positions

Captain Tsubasa ACE Best Players

Choosing the right players for your team is crucial.

This tier list categorizes the top players by their positions: goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and forwards, to enhance your gameplay experience.


  • Good Choices: Nakanishi (Theo) and Morisaki (Alan) offer decent shot blocking and goalkeeping skills but lack exceptional abilities.
  • Top Picks: Genzo (Benji Price) excels against long-range shots, while Ken (Ed Warner or Richard Tex in Latin versions) boosts resistance with each save, ensuring high success in blocking if stats surpass the opponent's.


  • Low Tier Defenders: Masao (Jason Derrick) drains opponent stamina with successful tackles. Takashugi (Bob or Victor Denver) gains resistance during play, contributing both in tackling and aerial battles. Soda (Peterson) enhances shooting attributes of pass recipients, adding offensive support.
  • Top Defender: Ishizaki (Bruce Harper) delays opponents' shot charging and gains speed with unsuccessful marking.
  • The Best: Jito stands out with his tackling and blocking skills, adding debuffs or gaining effects with successful plays.


  • Low Tier Miedfielders: Urabe (Jack Morris): Good passing and tackling, offers defensive buffs. Misaki (Tom Baker): Excellent passer, enhancing shooters’ capabilities.
  • Mid Tier Miedfielders: Matsu (Philip Callaghan): Good passing and dribbling, buffs the whole team. Misugi (Julian Rose or Andy Johnson): Offers great shooting, dribbling, and intercepting skills.
  • The Best Midfielder: Tsubasa (Oliver Atom) shines with his shooting, dribbling, and passing skills, significantly boosting the team.


  • Low Tier Forwards: Taki (Tez or Eddie Carter): Effective on the wings with speed and dribbling buffs. Sano (Sam Winter): Versatile with good dribbling and decent shooting.
  • Mid Tier Forwards: Tachibana Twins: Exceptional in their unique roles, you'll need both to make them shine. Nitta (Patrick Everett): Strong in shooting, especially effective in open spaces.
  • Top Forward: Hyuga (Mark or Steve Lenders), known for powerful shooting and robust gameplay.

Conclusion and Further Resources

This guide provides a basic understanding of whom to aim for in your rerolling efforts and a comprehensive tier list by position.

Keep an eye out for other guides and info about new content for Captain Tsubasa Ace!