The Ultimate Guide to the Wilderness in Reverse: 1999

The Ultimate Guide to the Wilderness in Reverse: 1999
Last updated:
February 13, 2024
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The Wilderness in Reverse: 1999 is a game feature unlocked early on, providing a unique space similar to a tiny island dotted with structures and ruins.

This guide unpacks everything you need to know about navigating and optimizing the Wilderness to enhance your gameplay.

Let's jump right in!

The Ultimate Guide to Wilderness in Reverse: 1999 - Maximize Your Gameplay

Wilderness Island Reverse 1999

Unlocking the Wilderness

Upon reaching Chapter Two of the main storyline, you'll gain access to the Wilderness.

Initially, you may not see all features like the Sharpodonty Market or the Wishing Spring, but foundational elements like the Dust Bell Tower and the Paleohall will be available to start your journey.

Paleohall: The Command Center

The Paleohall acts as the headquarters where other features are unlocked and upgraded.

Upgrading the Paleohall increases the level cap of nearby structures, expanding resource production, and enhancing character capacity on your island.

To upgrade its level cap, you'll need to progress through the story, farm Doll resource stages and place a minimum required amount of tiles into your island.

Paleohall Wilderness Reverse 1999

Resource Management: Dust Bell Tower and Sharpodonty Market

These structures generate Sharpodonty and Dust passively over time.

Regularly claiming these resources ensures production never stops.

The Vigor stat, indicated at the screen's top-right, also boosts resource output and character capacity on the island.

The Wishing Spring: Your Crafting Corner

Wishing Spring Crafting Reverse 1999

The Wishing Spring is a crafting feature that allows you to fuse materials, saving stamina and resources.

Upgrading the Wishing Spring unlocks the ability to craft higher-tier materials necessary for character upgrades, making it a pivotal aspect of your Wilderness strategy.

Character Capacity and Bonds

The Wilderness allows you to invite characters to stay on your island, increasing their bond.

A higher bond unlocks lore, new voices, items, and even story chapters, which can yield Clear Drops (gacha currency).

Efficiently rotating characters through the Wilderness can significantly enhance your bond earnings.

Island Tiles and Vigor

Each tile placed on the Wilderness contributes to your Vigor, which is essential for leveling up and unlocking additional bonuses.

The Wilderness has a tile system where the quality of the tile (green, blue, purple) directly affects the Vigor obtained.

Prioritize high-quality tiles to maximize your space and Vigor.

Editing and Customizing the Wilderness

Wilderness Tile Packs Reverse 1999

The edit feature lets you place and rotate tiles to design your Wilderness island.

New tile packs can be acquired using Wilderness Shells, which are earned through missions and daily/weekly activities.

The shop offers a range of tile packs, from common to legendary, enhancing your Wilderness and overall resource production.

Achievements and Incentives

The game incentivizes players to diversify their Wilderness with achievements for placing various island elements, such as rivers or plants, and increasing Vigor.

These achievements offer additional materials and crystals, rewarding players for their creativity and engagement.

Investment Strategy for the Wilderness

Invest in the Wilderness early to quickly level up the Paleohall to Level 2.

Then, balance your focus between character development and upgrading your Wilderness features.

Use the Wishing Spring for material crafting to avoid wasting stamina on stage grinding.

Conclusion: Mastering the Wilderness

Mastering the Wilderness in Reverse: 1999 is about strategic investment and efficient use of resources.

By understanding the intricacies of tile placement, resource management, and the bonding system, you can significantly enhance your in-game experience and progression.