Understanding the Combat System in Reverse: 1999

Understanding the Combat System in Reverse: 1999
Last updated:
November 2, 2023
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Welcome to a deep dive into the combat mechanics of Reverse: 1999, a turn-based RPG that offers a unique card-driven system.

Unlike most modern turn-based gacha games, Reverse: 1999 eliminates the speed system, ensuring your team always acts first each turn.

Here's what you need to know.

Understanding the Combat System in Reverse: 1999 - A Comprehensive Guide

The Six Elements

In Reverse 1999, you'll encounter six unique elements: Beast, Plant, Mineral, Spirit, Intellect and Star.

Using the right element gives you a 30% damage bonus. Make sure your team has a diverse mix of elements for maximum damage output.

Missions often hint at what elements enemies will be weak against, so keep an eye out!

Types of Damage

Reality, Mental, and Genesis

Characters in Reverse 1999 generally fall into two categories: Reality (physical damage) and Mental (magical damage).

There's also a special type called Genesis, which deals true damage and is often tied to specific abilities.


  • Centurion: Reality damage dealer
  • Bkornblume: Reality character that lowers enemy Reality defense
  • Regulus: Mental damage dealer

Team Composition: The Role of Backup Units

Basic Team Structure

When entering a stage, you'll typically bring four characters: three active units on the field and one backup.

The backup character stays in their "mascot" form and only joins the fray when an active character falls.

Exceptions in Team Formation

In some cases, like specific boss fights, all four characters start on the field.

However, the general rule remains: three active characters and one backup.

Skill Mechanics: Basic Skills and Ultimates

Combat Scenario Reverse:1999

Skill Cards and Moxie

Each character has two basic skills and one ultimate skill, represented as cards.

These skills can be "fused" to upgrade up to level three.

Ultimates unlock when a character's Moxie meter—indicated by dots below the health bar—is full.

Generating and Losing Moxie

Performing actions like moving cards, fusing cards, and using cards generates one Moxie.

Some stage buffs and skills can also affect Moxie levels.

Beware, certain skills can strip Moxie, and if that happens while an Ultimate is queued, it gets cancelled.

Action and Card Slots: How They Work

Combat Card Slots Reverse: 1999

Slot Allocation

You gain one action slot and two card slots for each active character.

A backup character contributes one extra card slot. This can vary based on stage-specific conditions.

Skill Duplication and Ordering

In the first turn, you receive one copy of each skill from your active characters. If you have extra slots, you get duplicates.

Skill order is random, but you can reset quickly to get your preferred first-turn setup in harder content.

Planning Phase: Maximizing Your Turn

Skill Usage and Targeting

During the planning phase, you can use any skill and target any enemy.

You can also move skills around, causing similar skills to fuse into a higher-grade skill.

Tuning Skills

Tuning skills offer additional effects and don't consume action slots.

They require tuning points, and their effects can't be undone once used.

Available Tuning Sets: First Melody and Grand Orchestra

First Melody Set Reverse: 1999

First Melody Set

The Melody set is your starting set.

It generates 15 costs at combat start and recovers costs for various actions like using or moving skills.

Its skills can refresh cards or generate a special card to fuse with any level one skill.

Grand Orchestra Set

Unlocked after completing all tutorial challenges, this set allows for more free movement of cards.

It generates special cards that fuse with both level one and level two skills.

Unlike Melody, it doesn't offer stable costs per turn but generates more costs for specific actions.

Advanced Combat Tactics: Knowing the Enemy

In later stages, the game's combat grows in complexity.

You can see exactly what actions the enemy plans to take next turn and their card level. The enemy can use one of these 6 card actions: ATK, Buff, Debuff, Heal, Counter or Ultimate.

You can counter these actions by disabling ATK cards with "Disarm" or other skills (Debuff, Counter and Heal) with "Silence".

Also, you can cancel enemy ultimates by stripping their Moxie.

Conclusion: The Depth Behind Simplicity

While Reverse: 1999 may appear straightforward, its combat system offers a depth that will appeal to strategy RPG fans.

This guide covered the basics, but look out for more advanced strategies in future discussions.

Thank you for reading, and see you in the world of Reverse: 1999!